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Here are some of the ads we place on social media. They display in newsfeeds of people who are young females, ages 18-30, who reside primarily in Asia, India, Africa, and the USA. We have seen incredible results with these ads.

Starting in early 2020, we set a lofty goal of 333 salvations per month. After trial and error and a small ad budget, we hit our goal during that summer!
A new goal of 999 salvations per month was set, and we were humbled and grateful to reach it during the fall of 2020. We increased our ad spend once again and continued to see increases in the number of souls saved! As of April 2021, over 200 young people are coming to Christ each and every day. We saw over 6,600 salvations just in April! May is off to an even larger start as we have once again increased our ad spend as more donations come in! We have been averaging over 350 salvations per day in May!

When someone clicks on our ad, they are taken to our Chat Page, where they read a statement about who Jesus is, and how they can become a Christian. If they decide to accept Jesus, they click a button to let us know. We track the button clicks, and that is how Those are salvations!

After they click the button, they are then taken to a page called “Whats Next” where they can view a “30 Day New Believers Guide.” They can also join our aSafePlaceOnline Group over on Facebook, where we engage our members daily, posting encouraging content, teachings, videos, and ministering to those in need. We also give them an opportunity to post a prayer request on our Prayer Wall on our website. Once someone accepts Jesus, we continue to nurture and disciple them.

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A Safe Place Online

aSafePlaceOnline provides help and hope. It's free, safe, and private.
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