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God's Love Never Fails

Wouldn't you agree...Love is one of the most beautiful, yet most scary experiences ever.

Sometimes you might get lucky, and sometimes you might be heartbroken.

Most are heartbroken at least once in their lives. Yes.. it stinks.

When in love, people choose to ignore the red flags that start waving because they wish the relationship would just work out on its own.

They keep on holding on even when there is nothing left to hold on to.It seems these days that the main cause of heartbreak is comparison.

We may expect our partners to be as perfect as the ones we see in movies, those who pass by while scrolling feeds, or swiping while on dating apps. Movies are not real life, social media is what it is, and we should know a catfish when we see one.

Love is much more than all that, and for it to work, two people must be willing to make sacrifices. Most do not know how to do this, because narcissism is at an all time high in this crazy, confused world.

The only way to heal heartbreak is by letting go and allowing growth to occur. When you do decide to let go and allow yourself to grow, there is no need to rush into another relationship. Take some time for God to heal your broken heart. God loves mending broken hearts.

There is only one true love. It is the love from God to humankind. God loves his creation so much that He sacrificed His one and only Son, Jesus to die for our sins, and the sin of every single person ever alive on earth for all time. Now that is love!

If you would like your life to change in an instant, consider giving your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus died for you, me, and everyone who has ever been or will be on earth.

To learn more about this amazing God who gave His life so you may live, go to: https://www.asafeplaceonline.com/learn-more

“For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new creation. The old life is gone. New life has begun.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

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