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You're Invited!

Below are 3 free guides for you to choose from, you can enroll for one, two, or all three of them!
Just click the link to the guide that interests you to enroll. 
30 Day Next Steps Guide
If you recently became a believer in Jesus Christ, this is the guide for you! We'll send you an email every day for 30 days that will help you grow and go in your new Christian faith.

To enroll, CLICK HERE
30 Day Seeking Jesus Guide
If you are wondering what it means to be a Christian, and are considering becoming a Jesus follower, this is the guide for you! We'll send you an email every day for 30 days that will answer most any question you may have about the Christian faith. 

To enroll, CLICK HERE
Living The Abundant Life Guide
If you are wanting to live a better life, this is the guide for you! We'll send you an email once each week with informative articles that will help you learn how to live the life you deserve!

To enroll, CLICK HERE

A Safe Place Online

aSafePlaceOnline provides help and hope. It's free, safe, and private.
Chat anytime, from anywhere, about anything.