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Your Business Is God's Business

God is The Owner

You may operate your own business. I think that is great! But running your own business can be challenging. It takes both FAITH and WORK to operate your own business.

You gotta have FAITH to even start a business, and you most definitely have to WORK at your business. Both FAITH and WORK need to be pegged at 100% to see 200% SUCCESS. But not for just a day, week, or month.. but for YEARS!

And there are no guarantees a business will succeed.
But if you do not take a risk, there are no rewards, right?

For this reason, many never take the risk, and end up working at a low paying job (just over broke) they don't like, bullied by bad bosses, harassed by crazy co-workers, and living on someone else's time clock.

I write this from personal experience.. I operated my own business and this is what I learned, through much trial and error.

PROVISION is the combination of 2 words.


PROFICIENT means "of value or something that is good, intentional, and well thought out and done."

VISION means seeing something that is "unique, or ahead of a usual or normal time frame."

In order to succeed at business, you need to have ALL THREE of these words happening simultaneously.

FIRST - Obviously this means to be the first one to provide a particular product or service. It is challenging to be the first at something.. but not impossible.

BEST - Another obvious word.. this means whatever it is you are providing, make sure it is top notch. Again, this is challenging to do, but not impossible.

DIFFERENT - This is a subjective word.. Different means... "different things to different people." Another word is "Unique." This one is quite easy to do. All you need to do is look around your community to see what is NOT being made available and then make it available.

By providing something DIFFERENT.. you then by default become THE FIRST and THE BEST. And that is called PRO-VISION. Pretty interesting!!

By the way... God can help you with Pro-Vision!


Logically, we are the owner of our business, and in many cases, we are also the manager, the salesperson, the factory worker, and every other hat we wear whilst running our business. It can be OVERWHELMING!

But It doesn't need to be overwhelming.. The fix is RENEWING our MIND as to "WHO" is "WHAT" in our business.

Lights on Moment:

GOD Is the OWNER of the business, and YOU are the MANAGER.

Have you ever considered thinking this way?

When you think this way, then you, as the manager, need to have regular meetings with the owner, and the owner will give you direction for the business to make It better and grow.

Our role Is to then carry out His direction, and report back to Him for meetings often.

Takeaway Moment:

Be a wise manager, and go to the owner often to learn what His plan is for your business. Then, make It happen!

Make Sense? Now go fire yourself and get a new owner!

Scripture Sense:

2 Corinthians 5:8 - And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

If you would like your life to change in an instant, consider giving your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus died for you, me, and everyone who has ever been or will be on earth.

To learn more about this amazing God who gave His life so you may live, go to: https://www.asafeplaceonline.com/learn-more

“For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new creation. The old life is gone. New life has begun.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Psalm 132:15 - I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor I will satisfy with food.

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